2022: IFDM (Interior Furniture Design Magazine), “Touching the sky of New York,” Spring/Summer, Milan, pp. 54-58. [ PDF ]
2021: NY Post, “One year on, NYC still has no clear ideas for a COVID-19 memorial,” March 6. [ Link ]
2021: 150 Best New Interior Design Ideas, “Vista Tower.” Harper Collins, New York, pp. 8-19. [ PDF ]
2020: Interior + Design (Russia), June-July, Axis Mundi: Apartment with luxurious contemporary art and design, pp. 46-53. [ PDF ]
2020: 150 Best Apartment Ideas, Harper Collins, New York, pp. 64-77 [ Forthcoming ]
2020: Aspire Design and Home, “Rock and Roll Swagger,“ Spring, pp. 62-63 [ PDF ]
2020: ARCHMARATHON Awards, Miami, February, [ PDF ]
2019: Platform (Italy), No. 2, USA Issue, “432 Park Avenue,“ December, pp. 30-35. [ PDF ]
2019: LA+ (Landscape Architecture Plus) Journal, “Iconoclast”, No. 10, Fall, University of Pennsylvania School of Design, pp. 40-43. [ PDF ]
2019: HabitART (Guatemala) n. 57, “Vivir en las Nubes,” October, Cover and pp. 22-30. [ PDF ]
2019: Revista Decor (Brazil), No. 147, “Manhattan Lifestyle,” pp. 42-49. [ PDF ]
2019: New York Times, “A Sectional Sofa Requires a Master Plan,” August 25, Section RE, page 6
2019: Industry Magazine, “A Big Apple View of the World,” July-August, pp. 130-133 [ PDF ]
2019: New Loft Residence Design (China), Artpower International Publishing Co., Ltd., "Bond Street Loft," [ Forthcoming ]
2019: Industry Magazine, “Design: A Love Story,” Jan-Feb, pp. 104-109. [ PDF ]
2018: New York Times, 'Choices on the Border: Want Solar Power With That ‘Big, Beautiful Wall’?, Page A12
2018: Architecture Today: Interior Design (Spain), Booq Publishing, Barcelona, pp. 8, 9, and 34-39. [ PDF }
2018: Villa (Poland) "CitySpire," [ Forthcoming ]
2018: Style + Decor (Indonesia), "CitySpire," [ Forthcoming ]
2018: Nash Dom (Bulgaria), "CitySpire," [ Forthcoming ]
2018: HabitArt (Guatemala), No. 38, "Lujo Contemporáneo," Cover, pp. 32-39. { PDF }
2017: Style + Decor (Indonesia), October, "Made in Manhattan," pp. 86-97. [ PDF ]
2017: Warehouse Home: Industrial Inspiration for Twenty-First Century Living (UK + USA), Thames and Hudson, "New York Loft," pp. 22-23. [ PDF ]
2017: Style + Decor (Indonesia), June, "Country Living," pp. 58-67. [ PDF ]
2017: Nash Dom (Bulgaria), February, "Bond Street Loft", pp. 66-73. [ PDF ]
2017: Christie's International Real Estate Magazine (USA), Issue 1, "Great Hallways," pp. 66-70.
2017: Revisita Decor (Brazil), "Refugio De Verao.", pp. 52-57 [ PDF ]
2017: Small Lofts (Spain), Booq Publishing, "Light Filled Duplex," pp. 280-289 [ PDF ]
2016: HabitArt (Guatemala), No. 28, November, "La Belleza Esta En El Interior," pp. 34-39. [ PDF ]
2016: HabitArt (Guatemala), No. 27, October, "Un Loft En Bond Street," pp. 36-43. [ PDF ]
2016: Decoration World (China), April, "Axis Mundi", pp. 28-49. [ PDF ]
2016: Aspire Metro, Spring, "Oribital Axis" Bond Street Loft, pp. 98-103. [ PDF ]
2016: Villa (Poland) January-February, "Bond Street Loft," pp. 42-53. [ PDF ]
2015: Bridge for Design (UK), Summer, "Bond Street," pp. 1-9. [ PDF ]
2015: Dom Interier (Russia), pp. 132-139. [ PDF ]
2015: Hypernatural, Princeton Architectural Press, H2O Headquarters featured on pp. 78-79. [ Link ]
2015: Interiors, February-March, “Metro Pictures,” pp. 92-103. [ PDF ]
2015: Area, Winter, "Design Focus: John Beckmann," pp. 32-39.
2015: Loft Residences (China), Artpower International Publishing, pp. 128-131, 168-171. [ PDF ]
2015: ID. Interior Design (Russia), May-June, No. 65, “Bond Street Loft,” pp. 74-79. [ PDF ]
2015: Metropolitan Home (Malaysia), "Domicile of Artistry." pp. 74-79. [ PDF ]
2015: Modern Decoration Home (China), No.355, "Bond Street Loft," pp. 88-96. [ PDF ]
2015: ID. Interior Design (Russia) Dec-Jan, No.62, “Greenwich Village Townhouse,” pp. 52-59. [ PDF ]
2015: Estilopropio 25 (Argentina), “Brooklyn A Sus Pies,” pp. 52-55. [ PDF ]
2015: Flexform catalog (Italy), Bond Street Loft featured on pp. 98-99. [ PDF ]
2014: Artam Global Art & Design (Turkey), Nov-Dec., pp. 178-185. [ PDF ]
2014: Artravel (France), Sept. 2014, “Comfort Zone,” pp. 102-113. [ PDF ]
2014: The New York Times – House & Garden (USA), Feb. 6, “Boutique Sinks for Small Bathrooms,” D6.
2013: Creative Diagrams in Architecture II (China), pp. 34-35, and 142-145. [ Link ]
2013: Masterpieces: Sacred Architecture + Design (Switzerland), “Folded Cathedral,” pp. 6-9. [ PDF ]
2013: Residence (China), “New York Duplex Renovation,” pp. 104-109. [ PDF ]
2013: LUHHO (USA/Peru), “Pequeños Grandes Espacios,” pp. 24-25.
2012: The Home Observer, “Prospective Perspective,” pp. 58-63. [ PDF ]
2012: Beyond (China), Vol. 13, Special Issue: Ecological Bionic Architecture, “Is It Technology or Is It Architecture?” essay by John Beckmann, H20 Headquarters, pp. 34-39 and Cloud House 50-55. [ PDF ]
2012: Revel In New York, Vol. 3, John Beckmann Interviewed by Scott Newman, pp. 56-67. [ PDF ]
2012: Minted Magazine, “Revved Up With Red,” pp. 117.
2012: eVolo Skyscrapers, “MoMA Skyscraper,” pp. 1096-1099. [ Link ]
2012: Konsept Projeler (Turkey), “15 Broad Street," [ PDF ]
2012: Home Trends (India), Vol. 2, No. 8, “A Splash of Colour,” pp. 62-69. [ PDF ]
2011: Concept (Korea), Vol. 149, “Cathedral Fold,” pp. 86-89.
2011: Beyond (China), Vol. 005, “Whitney Downtown Museum,” pp. 48-53. [ PDF ]
2011: Leaf Review (UK), No. 10, “Retrofit for purpose: Axis Mundi and OMA,” pp. 35-38. [ Link ]
2011: B-1 Magazine (Thailand), Vol. 4, Issue 45, “Cathedral Fold,” pp. 44-45. [ PDF ]
2010: New York Architecture (Spain), “Greenwich Village Townhouse,” pp. 212-219. [ PDF ]
2010: Great Wisdom in Small Spaces, The Green Design of Small-Size Architecture (China), "Ark House," pp. 214-217.
2010: Concept (Korea), Vol. 139, “Whitney Downtown Museum,” pp. 128-131.
2010: САЛОН (Russia), “Whitney Downtown Museum in Context,” pp. 154-157.
2010: OnOffice (UK), “H2…whoa,” pg. 59.
2009: MARK (Netherlands), No. 22.
2009: C3 (Korea), No. 303, “MoMA Tower at 53W53rd,” pp. 10-11.
2009: Skyscraper 44 (Korea), “MoMA Tower at 53 West 53rd,” pp. 90-97. [ PDF ]
2009: Glamour: Making It Modern (USA), Filipacchi Publishing, pp. 160, 228. [ Link ]
2008: 1000x Architecture of the Americas (Germany), Four projects. [ PDF ]
2008: Spaces (UK), “Multi-Medium Axis Mundi,” pp. 70-79. [ PDF ]
2008: Metropolitan Home, “The Village Uncommon,” pp. 144-151. [ PDF ]
2008: View from the Top (Australia), “Duplex for a Gentleman,” pp. 38-43. [ PDF ]
2008: Avenue, “Axis Mundi Luxe Modern,” pp. 18-23. [ PDF ]
2008: Elite Interior (Russia), “Village Townhouse,” pp. 64-72. [ PDF ]
2007: Bait Venoy (Israel), “Village Duplex,” pp. 64-73. [ PDF ]
2006: The New York Times, Oct. 19, “The Glasswork of a Master Catches the Light Again,” F3. [ Link ]
2002: Surface, Issue 35, "Ten Avant Garde Industrial Designers 2002," pg. 112. [ PDF ]
1998: The Virtual Dimension: Architecture, Representation and Crash, Princeton Architectural Press, New York.
1998: Wallpaper, Magnum Opus," Sept.- Oct., pg. 290.
1998: Converted Spaces (UK), Conran Octopus, pp. 20 & 193.
1996: Residences Decoration (France), "Le Talent noir sur Blanc," Sept. - Nov., pp. 74-79.
1993: The New Yorker, “Light Relief,” pg. 26, July 12.
1992: Ambiente (Germany), Ein Loft der Ersten Stunde," Dec., pp. 106-110.
1992: New York Times, "20 Best Sellers of 1991," Jan. 2, pg. C6.
1992: Casa Vogue (Italy), “New York Black & White,” pp. 154-161. [ PDF ]
1992: Vogue Decoration (France), "The Graphic Life," No. 34, pp. 100-105.
1991: Furniture Design for the 90s, PBC International, Glen Cove, NY, pp. 92, 175, 182 & 215.
1990: Product Design 4, PBC International, Glen Cove, NY, pp. 56, 65, 108 & 109.
1990: Blueprint (UK), "Bar Codes," No. 1, pp. 50-51.
1988: ID Magazine, "New and Notable," Vol. 34, pp. 78-79.
1988: Techniques & Architecture (France), "Axis Mundi-un collectif de trois designers," Vol. 377, p. 159.
1987: Lighting Dimensions, "The Randolph Duke Boutique," Vol. XI, pp. 58-59.
2021: NY Post, “One year on, NYC still has no clear ideas for a COVID-19 memorial,” March 6 [ Link ]
2021: Elephant, “XYZ House,” March 2 [ Link ]
2020: Design Wanted, Designing the “In-Between” – An Interview with John Beckmann, July 29
2020: Visual Atelier 8, “XYZ House Extends Through The Mutually Perpendicular Planes,” July 23 [ Link ]
2020: Thema, “Sacro e design- I progetti architettonici di Axis Mundi,” July 14 [ Link ]
2020: Maxim, The ‘XYZ House’ is a Geometric Marvel in the Swiss Alps,” July 12 [ Link ]
2020: Hypebeast, “Axis Mundi's XYZ House Takes the Shape of a Corten Steel Cruciform,” July 7 [ Link ]
2020: Uncrate, “XYZ House,” June 29 [ Link }
2020: Kurier, “Geometrie zum Leben,” June 16 [ Link ]
2020: Interior + Design, “Axis Mundi: apartment with luxurious contemporary art and design,” April 27 [ Link ]
2020: DecorPunk, “Cloud House,” April 21
2020: UPI, “N.Y. business closures extended until May 15; NYC faces $7B in lost revenues,” April 16 [ Link ]
2020: El Diario, “Planean instalación para iluminar “Hart Island”en NY, donde enterrarán muertos por coronavirus no reclamados,” April 16 [ Link ]
2020: DecorPunk, “Minima XL Berlin,” April 7
2020: Aspire, “Designer John Beckmann Thinks Out Loud In This NYC Apartment,” March [ Link ]
2020: Yahoo News, “Cantilevered Corten Steel XYZ House Looks Out on Scenic Swiss Alps,” March 4 [ Link ]
2020: Elle Decor, “A Cartesian Home to Watch the Sunset from the Swiss Alps,” February 29 [ Link ]
2020: Arquitectura Diseno, “Aunque no lo parezca, este mirador es una casa que rinde culto al paisaje (y al silencio),” February 16
2020: DecorPunk, “America: State of Emergency,” February 14
2020: Crazy About Porsche, “Minimalist triaxiality: the XYZ House,” February 5
2020: Polis, “Axis Mundi Baut Bewohnbares Kruzifix in Die Schweizer Alpen,” February 3 [ Link ]
2020: Super1, “Pogledajte ovaj monumentalni projekt kuće na litici u švicarskim Alpama. Izgleda stvarno fascinantno,” February 2 [ Link ]
2020: Designboom, “Axis Mundi Envisions its XYZ house as a Cruciform cantilevered over the Swiss Alps,” January 28 [ Link ]
2020: News12 Bronx, ”Designer hopes to Honor those Buried on Hart Island through Art Installation,” January 17 [ Video Link ]
2019: Nuevo Estilo, “Las mejores vistas de Manhattan estan en este apartamento de Park Avenue,” November 29
2019: Elle Decor, “22 Ideas for Styling Acrylic Dining Chairs,” November 5 [ Link ]
2019: Elle Decor, “28 Sophisticated Bedrooms with Low Platform Beds,” October 31 [ Link ]
2019: HabitART, n. 57, “Vivir en las Nubes,” October [ Link ]
2019: Elle Decor, “10 Tips for Creating an Ultra-Relaxing Master Bathroom,” September 11 [ Link ]
2019: New York Times, “How to Buy a Sectional Sofa,” August 20 [ Link }
2019: Industry, “A Big Apple View of the World” [ Link }
2019: World Architecture, “Axis Mundi Designs Advanced Technology Center With Spiky-Shaped Volumes In Palo Alto” [ Link ]
2019: Industry, “Design: A Love Story,” [ Link ]
2018: Hyperallergic, “Architects Reimagine Central Park After a Fictional Eco-Terrorist Attack,” December 2 [ Link ]
2018: World Architects, “Reimagining Central Park,” November 30 [ Link ]
2018: The Real Deal. “Watch: 5 visions of Central Park after an eco-apocalypse” [ Video Link ]
2018: New York Times. “Central Park, Reimagined” [ Link ] Scroll down to article 4
2018: Curbed New York, “See 5 visions of a post-apocalyptic Central Park,” November 28 [ Link ]
2018: Bustler. “What would a 21st-century Central Park look like? These winning entries reimagine the New York landmark,” November 27 [ Link ]
2018: LA+ (Landscape Architecture Plus) “Winning Entries to reimagine Central Park after an Eco-Terrorist Attack [ Link ]
2018: New York Times, "Trump Plans to View Wall Prototypes. Here Are Some He Won’t See" [ Link }
2017:, "Yoga businessman Rishi Bali lists his funky, furnished FiDi condo for $1.7M"
2017:, "Architects have been gearing up to build Trump’s border wall for years." [ Link ]
2016:, "21 Beautiful New York City Apartments" [ Link }
2016: EstiloPropio, Chomeneas De Hogar [ Link ]
2016:, “Light Filled Duplex by Axis Mundi Design”
2016:, "Bond Street Loft by Axis Mundi"
2016:, "Oribital Axis"
2016:, 'Sophisticated New York City Loft" [ Link ]
2016:, "Architects Protest Competition to Design a Border Wall Between the US and Mexico"
2016: New, "The Problem With Designing Trump’s Border Wall." [ Link ]
2016 The Atlantic | Citylab, "Can Architects Come Up With a Better Border?" [ Link ]
2016 Metropolis, “Can We Please Get Beyond the "Building the Border Wall?" Boycott?” [ Link ]
2016: HGTV, "15 Designer Tips for Living Large in Small Spaces," [ Link ]
2015:, "Are 'Treescrapers' the Future of Dense Urban Living?" [ Link ]
2015:, “What If? 7 Iconic Examples of Unbuilt Architecture Throughout History” [ Link ]
2014:, "6 Amazing Tower Houses." [ Link ]
2014:, House & Garden, “Boutique Sinks for Small Bathrooms.” [ Link ]
2013:, 'Unbuilt Museums." [ Link ]
2013:, “Space of the Week: Doctor’s Orders.” [ Link ]
2013: Hyland Magazine, Edition 11, “Axis Mundi: Mysterious & Familiar.” [ Link ]
2013:, "How To: Stripe Your Living Spaces," [ Link ]
2012:, “Axis Mundi: This Sleek House Was Inspired By The iPod.” [ Link ]
2012:, “Axis Mundi: Cloud House.” [ Link ]
2011:, “Interview with John Beckmann.”
2011:, “Art Museums.”
2011: InspirationGrid, "Cathedral Fold by Axis Mundi," [ Link ]
2011" eVolo, "Strasbourg Cathedral - Axis Mundi," { Link ]
2011: Designboom, "Axis Mundi: Cathedral Fold," [ Link ]
2011:, “Retrofit for Purpose: Dramatic Architectural Rethinkings.” [ Link ]
2011:, “Polyhedra by Axis Mundi Lets You Live on the Edge.” [ Link ]
2011:, “Axis Mundi: Polyhedra.” [ Link ]
2011:, “Top 10 Projects 2010: Whitney Downtown Museum.” [ Link ]
2010:, “The 10 Craziest Renderings of the Year”
2010: Observer, "How About a Terrorist Motel at Ground Zero?" [ Link ]
2010: Archinect, "Terrorist Motel to Replace Ground Zero Mosque?" [ Link ]
2010: Curbed: "And Now, the Most Bizarre 'Ground Zero Mosque' E-mail of the Day." [ Link ]
2010: The L Magazine. "Architects Redesign New Whitney Museum Building, Just to Fuck With Everybody."
2010:, “Alternative Whitney Proposal Designed to Attract Attention.” [ Link ]
2010:, “Architect Provocateur Redesigns Renzo, Dings Developers.” [ Link ]
2010:, “Architectual Provocateurs Hijack Renzo Piano’s Whitney Museum.” [ Link ]
2010:, “Axis Mundi: Whitney Downtown Museum.” [ Link ]
2010:, “Conceptual extension to Whitney Museum.” [ Link ]
2010:, “New York Architects Go Abroad, Act All Crazy!” [ Link ]
2010:, “H2O by Axis Mundi.” [ Link ]
2010:, “Ark House by Axis Mundi.” [ Link ]
2009:, Man-in-Black Jean Nouvel Attends MoMA Tower Showdown! [ Link ]
2009:, “Grudge Match, Tower Verre to take on…” [ Link ]
2009: ArchDMA, “Grid, Boxes, and Cantilevers: Transported Space in Air.” [ Link ]
2009: Dwell, "NYC Vertical Neighborhood"? [ Link ]
2009: ArchDaily, "Alternative for 53 West 53rd Street / Axis Mundi" [ Link ]
2009: Design Observer, "A Plea for Crazy in Architecture" [ Link ]
2009:, “Axis Mundi Unveils Conceptual Design for MoMA Tower.” [ Link ]
2009:, “Concept Design for MoMA Tower at 53 W 53 – Axis Mundi.” [ Link ]
2009:, “Alternative Design for MoMA Tower at 53 West 53rd.” [ Link ]
2009:, “Say No to Nouvel.” [ Link ]
2009:, “Axis Mundi Unveils Alternative Design for MoMA Tower.” [ Link ]
2009:, “Jean Nouvels Tower Reimagined …as THIS!” [ Link ]
2009:, “Vertical House.” [ Link ]
2008: Elle Decor, “The Village Uncommon,” [ Link ]
1998: THE VIRTUAL DIMENSION: Architecture, Representation and Crash Culture, Princeton Architectural Press, New York. 376 pages, 100 B/W Illustrations, ISBN: 9781568981208 [ Link ]
1993: SHOWROOMS, PBC International, Glen Cove, NY 184 pages, ISBN: 0-86636-196-0
2024: ICONIC DESIGN Award from The German Design Council - Furniture Design Collection [ Link ]
2022: Stars of Design, Presented by the D&D Building, New York - Catagory: Architecture [ PDF ]
2020: Archmarathon 2020 Miami - Best Residential Interior for 432 Park Avenue
2018: Winning Entry for LA + ICONOCLAST COMPETITION to redesign Central Park [ Link ]
2020: ASODI Asociación de Interiorismo de Guatemala [ Link ]
2018: SWITCH: Guggenheim Museum, New York
2014: Evolo - Skyscraper Competition [ Link ]
2011: AIA Chicago - Design Excellence Awards
2011: Architizer - Competition Competition
2020: Archmarathon 2020 Miami - Best Residential Interior for 432 Park Avenue
2020: New York Architects - 15 of the Best Residential Architects and Designers in New York [ Link ]
2019: HGTV 2019 Designer of the Year Awards (Nominee) [ Link ]
2015: HGTV Fresh Faces of Design (Nominee) [ Link ]
2014: Best of Houzz Design
2010: MacDowell Colony Fellowship
1998: Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts
2014: CityVision, "Googlika, or the World of Infinite Plunder" [ Link }
2012: Beyond (China), Vol. 13, Special Issue: Ecological Bionic Architecture, “Is It Technology or Is It Architecture?” essay by John Beckmann [ PDF ]
1998: The Virtual Dimension: Architecture, Representation and Crash Culture, Princeton Architectural Press, Editor and essay, "Merge Invisible Layers," pp. 1-17.
2020: Architect Today, “Art and Architecture and Design, St. Petersburg, Russia, March 9
2011: Centro Roberto Garza Sada, “Sketch,” Monterrey, Mexico
1993: Gallery 91, “Interior Objects,” New York, NY
1991: Fullscale Gallery, “International Furniture Design for the 90’s,” New York, NY
1990: Museo Alchimia, “Spiritelli,” Milano, Italy
1989: VIA Paris, “Les Industries Francaises et L’Ameublement et les Cultures du Monde,” Paris
1988: The National Arts Club, “The Fine Art of American Industrial Design,” New York
1987: The American Crafts Museum, “Young Americans,” New York
2012: Revel In New York (USA), Vol. 3, John Beckmann Interviewed by Scott Newman, pp. 56-67. [ PDF ]
2012:, “Interview with John Beckmann.”
2020: News12 Bronx, Designer hopes to honor those Buried on Hart Island through Art Installation, January 17 [ Link ]
2017: 15 Broad Street | Downtown by Phillipe Starck: a video by 929 Media [ Link ]
2015: Bond Street Loft: a video by Andre Kopinski [ Link ]
2015: NBC | Open House NYC: Bond Street Loft, October 22 [ Link ]
2014: Bookmarc: Interview with John Beckmann, a video by Helen Awali
2011: Bloomberg TV: Pimm Fox 'Taking Stock,' February 25 [ Link ]
2011: NBC | Open House NYC: Designer Living with John Beckmann, June 16 [ Link ]
2008: John Beckmann meets Gio Ponti at Urban Archeology: a video by Helen Maier and Ousie Shapiro [ Link ]
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT:
Two collections of porcelain dinnerware designed in collaboration with David Shaw Nicholls for Swid Powell, Gift of Nan Swid (2011)
2020: Marmomac: Presentation - Minimal Surfaces and Philosophers, Presidents and Tyrants. September 29-October 2, Verona, Italy [ Link ]
2020: ARCHMARATHON 2020 International Design Awards | Miami, February 27-29
2019: “Know Your Design Rules…And Then Break Them,” Panel discussion by Aspire Design and Home and ABC Stone, October 23
2014: AD Home Design Show | New York Times Seminar Series panel, “Adding Color, Accessories, and Texture: Making a Room Sing.” Saturday, March 22, Moderator Julie Lasky of The New York Times
Yale School of Architecture, Parsons The New School for Design, Pratt Institute, Fashion Institute of Technology, and New Jersey Institute of Technology
ITALY DESIGN TOUR | February 17-23, 2019
Sponsored by Federlegno Arredo Event (FLAE). Visited the Prada Foundation, and the following design companies on a whirlwind tour from Milan to Venice. We visited the Versace Showroom, Casa Gianni Versace, Roda, Carpanelli, Penta Lighting, Vallari Porcelain, Molteni, Nardi, Essequattro, Sartori, Capital, Atmosphera, Cadore Arredamenti, iDogi, and Moroso. Thank you Lucia Schito and Daniele Socci for being such remarkable hosts.
AUSTRIA DESIGN TOUR | February 10-16, 2019
Sponsored by Advantage Austria. We had a extraordinary tour of Austrian furniture, design companies, and manufacturers in Vienna and Upper Austria. Visited with Mischer Traxler Studio, Kohlmaier, Carl Aubock Studio, Rauminhalt, Lichterloh, Lobmeyer, Woka Lamps, Strasser Steine GMBH, Steininger Designers GMBH, the furniture designer Philipp Aduatz, Team 7, Wittman Mobelwekstatten GMBH, Franz West Privatstiftung, Kunsthandel Kolhammer and Galerie Bel Etage, and if that wasn’t enough we visited the Sigmund Freud Museum and Haus Wittgenstein. A big thank you to Magdalena Suppan for the grand tour.
PORTUGAL DESIGN TOUR | November 11-15, 2018
Sponsored by NERLEI. Visited Ferreiras E Marcelino, Deartis, Ceriart, Loucicentro, Green Apple, Gargula Gotica, Perpetua, Pereira and Aimedia, MVC Portuguese Limestones, Meze Products (Ernesto Grilo). Thank you so much Jessica Rosa, Pietra Moleiro and Marta Ribeiro for organizing this wonderful trip.